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The Seattle Collegian

News Central To You

February 26, 2025


Seattle Central Sustainability Practice

Sustainability Practices: Seattle Central to Install Solar P …

Note from the editor: Rebecca Barbanell is a Seattle Central student interning with the District Sustainability Office. She will be writing a regular column for the Seattle Collegian about efforts the school is undertaking to become more sustainable. Barbanell says she is here to “promote and stand by sustainability practices that involve our college and

SWAT Police at Protest

Photo Essay: Patriot Prayer Rally at UW

On February 10th, the College Republicans of the University of Washington hosted a rally at Red Square featuring Patriot Prayer’s Joey Gibson. One year ago, the College Republicans hosted alt-right provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos and a demonstrator was shot . Though we were concerned with our own safety, my photographer Izzy Bennett and I attended this

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