I believe that personal style is a dichotomous artform. If you choose to, you can uncover your psyche while covering your body. Clothing is both an armoring and a laying bare, a defense and a vulnerability, a liberation and a cage. It is an opportunity to break the rules while conforming to society’s expectation: the
I almost never carry cash. Most everywhere I want to do business, a debit card is accepted, and it keeps the lines of my pants slim to not have a giant wad of ones and a jangling pile of coins bulging out of a pocket. As has become a beginning of the quarter tradition though,
To our readers, School’s out for summer! Unless, of course, you, like the Seattle Collegian, are participating in summer quarter. In either case, the values and ideals of Seattle Central College – inclusivity, diversity, integrity and education – remain salient. In the name of those values, the Collegian remains committed to growing as a publication
A week ago, I received a message from a friend, asking me, “Is it great to study in America?” Since the definition of “great” varies from person to person, there cannot be one answer to that question. Instead I made a list of things I wish I had known before coming here from the perspective
I do a lot of walking. After bussing downtown, I walk about a mile to school each day, but the vast majority of the walking I do is in and around campus. My classes are often in various disparate locations, and it is not uncommon for me to have to go from the fourth floor
Yesterday, we, as journalists and people of the storytelling industry, lost a renegade leader who redefined what it meant to write about travel, food and the human experience. Anthony Bourdain, chef, author, global ambassador and father took his own life. He was found in his hotel room in France where he had been shooting for
MaryAnn Barker is the Executive of Communications of ASC. This next week the Associated Student Council will be looking for student and faculty input on our bylaws via an online form. These are the rules and job descriptions in which the Student Council executives must abide by. I think that it is very important for
Nobody realizes that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal. ~Albert Camus For most of my life, I have been told that I’m a timid kind of girl. I don’t like crowded places; I’m not used to speaking out loud and raising an opinion. I am from Vietnam, a country where it is
Yesterday huge groups of Seattleites got out there in support of immigrant’s human rights and the protection of employees, especially those from underrepresented and vulnerable populations. Businesses boarded up and clamped down on their doors early in fear of minor property damage. Perhaps due to the legacy of WTO, Seattle seems especially responsive to protests.
To our readers, Student journalism has returned to Seattle Central College. Johnny Horton, English instructor and our faculty advisor, hired a board of editors at the end of fall quarter. Winter quarter, we hired a web team headed by student Emilio Chavez to design our initial web platform while we reported on our first stories.
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