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The Seattle Collegian

News Central To You

February 26, 2025


Student Leadership

ASC Update: Changes to Student Leadership on the Horizon

As the Seattle Colleges move towards working as a unified district a College Integration Program has been proposed to merge the student governments in the three colleges. This process will involve modifying the constitutions and by-laws of the student governments so that each Associate Student Council (ASC) will function in the same way. Although each

Student Leadership

ASC Update: A Potential Dead Day in the Works

Seattle Central College students will have the chance to petition for an extra day off school, a time when they may need it the most. The Associated Student Council (ASC) discussed lobbying for a Dead day in their last two meetings. If a Dead Day is approved at Seattle Central, teachers will have a ‘no

Award Winners

Seattle Central Student Leaders Recognized

Seattle Central College (SCC) students Emilio Chavez, Jie Shan, and Omar Osman received awards for their exceptional leadership at The Board of Trustees meeting on April 12, 2018. The members of the Board of Trustees and Dr. Sheila Lang, SCC’s president, thanked the students for their commitment and the services they provided to the campus

Amazon Protest

Sawant and Socialist Alternative Demonstrate for Employer Ta …

The Astroturf park seemed an oddly appropriate location to protest the effects of Amazon’s growing influence over the city of Seattle.  In the artificial park, part of the campus which includes the Amazon Spheres, Socialist Alternative held a rally to “Tax Amazon,” in support of a City Council bill designed to tax large businesses to

Perfect Crop

Instructor’s Poster Defaced

Late last Wednesday morning, faculty discovered that someone had placed a large sticker which read “it’s okay to be white” on psychology instructor Charles Jeffreys’ office window, obscuring a poster that claims composer Ludwig van Beethoven was of African ancestry. The poster is mounted behind the widow’s glass and was not damaged. Jeffreys, who is

Woman with walker by ADA bathroom

All-Gender Bathroom Doors are Getting Shorter

All-gender stall doors are being shortened in length Campus facilities have been taking down the stall doors in the All-Gender and Family restroom located on the 3rd floor of the BE building and temporarily replacing them with plywood. They plan to adjust the doors, making them sit 9-inches above the floor, allowing security to detect

A photo of Habeeb Na'eem Pipkin

Progress Beyond Protest

On March 1st, a keynote on marginalized and disenfranchised Black youth was held in BE 1110 and led by Dominque Davis, CEO of Community Passageways (CP), a non-profit organization based in Seattle. Just within the past 12 months, CP has been able to expunge 22 high-end felonies—gun charges, shooting incidents, stolen vehicles and drug possession—out

MaryAnn Barker at the walk out.

Students Walk Out for Florida Shooting Victims

Seattle Central College students and faculty walked out of classes Wednesday morning at 10:00 AM to observe a 17-minute vigil for the 17 students slain in the Parkland, Florida shooting on February 14th. MaryAnn Barker and Omar Osman, from the Associated Student Council, read one victim’s name at the top of each minute of the

No Trespassing Post

Student Parents Want Barrier-Free Education

Students at Seattle Central come from a wide variety of backgrounds but for 15% of the student body their home life includes the care of a dependent child. Besides providing an extra set of responsibilities on top of studying, raising a child incurs significant financial stress, notably the cost of childcare. Student-parents have access to

Members of BSU at Legacy Festival

BSU Provides Space for Collaboration at Legacy Festival

The Black Student Union’s Legacy Festival, held February 23rd, continued the organization’s tradition of encouraging collaboration and community for Seattle Central’s students of African descent. Featuring outreach organizations such as SOAR and Seattle Cares Mentoring Movement, the festival maintained a focus on coalition building between students at Seattle Central and the greater Seattle area. Jacob

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