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The Seattle Collegian

News Central To You

February 25, 2025



Does Gender Matter?

Have you ever heard someone say “I am a man so I don’t have to do that”? The idea of having different gender roles allows us to have different social expectations when it comes to gender. This has confused me ever since I was a child. I have wondered where these ideas come from every

Homo and Homeless for the Holidays

Yep. It’s December. The last month of the year, and goodness this year has flown by! Fall Quarter is over, finals are fading from the sight of students, and the holiday season is in full swing. Traffic is excruciating and rage-inducing. Christmas music accosts us in every conceivable establishment, advertisements for 50% off store-wide are


The Border Is a Lie: Enough Is Enough

There was a time before the USA, before Mexico, before any need to demarcate the economic line between ‘us’ and ‘them’. There are people who are gathering in Tijuana. They are arriving by the thousands, on foot, by bus and truck and every means imaginable. They are coming alone and in groups, enfeebled and with

Culture Shock Graphic

Culture Shock

Whether we call it Cross-Cultural Adaptation Stress, Intercultural Adjustment Disorientation, Displacement Anxiety, or Culture Shock, it remains as a genuine part of almost everyone’s sojourn abroad. We might have our own perspectives and definitions of culture shock, through the variations of our “shocking” experiences, but there is a widely used definition for it. Coming from


Tales of a Non-Traditional Student

Community colleges across the country have long been a welcome home for non-traditional students. Typically, non-traditional students are defined as someone who is over the age of 25 and who has significant responsibilities in work and life. A study conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics from 1995 to 2012 shows the overwhelming majority

Voter Ballot Box

Endorsements for the November 6th General Election

For most students at Seattle Central College, this mid term election represents your first opportunity to vote.  I do not envy you the neophyte’s task of learning to navigate the American electoral system amidst the chaos that is our modern political sphere.  I wish I could tell you that it doesn’t matter how you personally


Kavanaugh, Trump, & the future of American Democracy

On Monday, October 1, President Trump issued orders to the FBI, calling for an official investigation into the accusations of sexual assault against Brett Kavanaugh, the administration’s nomination to the Supreme Court to fill the seat left by Justice Kennedy when he abruptly retired in June of this year. While limiting the duration to one week, the president put no direct restraint as to who the Bureau could question.

Protesters with signs

Personal Annihilation: Being a Woman Post-Kavanaugh

If I’m being brutally honest, upon hearing that Trump’s pick for the Supreme Court was accused of rape, and not only was the attack well documented, but that there were multiple other attacks and witnesses who were coming forward, I can’t say I was really surprised. Don’t confuse my lack of surprise for indifference. It’s

Elevating the Norm

So, a new year, a new batch of students who don’t know basic elevator etiquette.  I went over this a little in a previous op-ed, but my observations in the first few weeks of the quarter leads me to write about this topic again.  You all don’t seem to realize what the purpose of the

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