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The Seattle Collegian

News Central To You

February 26, 2025

Posts by: Tiffany-Ashton Gatsby

Nicole Beijbom - Artist

Featured Student Artist – Nicole Beijbom

Seattle Central College is home to many diverse artists, some with a rich personal history of involvement with the arts. Other student artists have found their talents through an introductory or continuing education course here at Central. What all of these student artists have in common is a passion for their craft and a desire

I Registered To Vote – Now What?

This summer, Gov. Jay Inslee issued an easy challenge to Washington state students – register to vote, then fill out and turn in your ballot. The schools with the highest voter registration and voter turnout will be invited to Olympia and recognized by the Governor and the Secretary of State, Kim Wyman. If you still

Health Watch 2018

The peak of this year’s flu season is rapidly approaching, anticipated to be in full swing by December. As the weather turns colder, the sniffles from your classmates are getting louder. There are several things you can do now to prepare yourself for the season, including making sure that you’re informed about the basics. Influenza

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