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The Seattle Collegian

News Central To You

September 19, 2024

Posts by: Tess Velo


Transgender Day of Remembrance at Central

The 20th of November marks the International Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR), a moment balanced at the end of the year amidst several of the most major of holidays, as the light slides into darkness and a general air of reflectiveness settles onto our collective consciousness.  The holidays, for many people, can represent family and


Thousands Protest Sessions’ Resignation

In the wake of the midterm elections of November 6th and the resignation of Attorney General Jeff Sessions by request of President Trump, and the subsequent appointment of Matthew Whitaker as acting Attorney General, protests around the nation sprang up, including one on Thursday, the 8th, organized by the activist group No One Is Above


Kavanaugh, Trump, & the future of American Democracy

On Monday, October 1, President Trump issued orders to the FBI, calling for an official investigation into the accusations of sexual assault against Brett Kavanaugh, the administration’s nomination to the Supreme Court to fill the seat left by Justice Kennedy when he abruptly retired in June of this year. While limiting the duration to one week, the president put no direct restraint as to who the Bureau could question.