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March 6, 2025

Archives for December 2018


911 Outages Leave Many Concerned

Thursday evening (at approximately 9:00 pm PST), many 911 callers failed to reach their local 911 call center in states across the country. At 10:01 pm that night, SeattleAlert sent out a message to all Seattleites with the subject “911 OUTAGE-MAJOR DISRUPTION” stating “If you have an emergency and cannot connect to Seattle 911, please


Review: Creed 2

There has been a huge trend of sequels and remakes in Hollywood over the past few years, and while some of them were necessary, many were not. The movie Creed 2 is one of those rare exceptions that is actually worthwhile. Creed 2, sequel to Creed, once again stars Michael B. Jordan, who was in


Does Gender Matter?

Have you ever heard someone say “I am a man so I don’t have to do that”? The idea of having different gender roles allows us to have different social expectations when it comes to gender. This has confused me ever since I was a child. I have wondered where these ideas come from every


“In The Heights” Review

This is a must see musical about love, laughter, compassion, and faith. The music is so moving, it makes you want to get up on your feet and dance.  This is just a small insight into the exhilarating production of In The Heights. In The Heights was conceived by Lin Manuel Miranda , with its


Get Ready For #realign99

The upcoming closure of the Alaskan Way Viaduct is going to have a significant long-term impact on Seattle commuters. The #realign99 project is set to begin this January. Ninety thousand cars currently use SR99 and the Viaduct on a daily basis and those cars will be forced out onto surface streets. Representatives from the Seattle

Homo and Homeless for the Holidays

Yep. It’s December. The last month of the year, and goodness this year has flown by! Fall Quarter is over, finals are fading from the sight of students, and the holiday season is in full swing. Traffic is excruciating and rage-inducing. Christmas music accosts us in every conceivable establishment, advertisements for 50% off store-wide are

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